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One Use Only Contact eMail Address

In order to keep our eMail Inbox spam-free we generate a unique "one-use-only" eMail address for
you to contact us.

If you click on the unique eMail Address below your default eMail software on your computer will open with our eMail Address already inserted.

Your Unique eMail Address to contact us is:  

If you use web-mail and do not have eMail software on your computer, then simply copy and paste the unique email address above into your favourite web-based email in order to contact us.

The unique eMail Address above can only be used once and it will expire in a few hours. If you need to contact us again return to this page and another eMail Address will be generated.

The size of the eMail message sent using this address is limited to 500Kbs. If you have a bigger attachment to send us, use the eMail address above to request instructions on sending large attachments.

The current date is  and the time that this unique eMail address was generated was  

This means that your unique eMail address will expire in loading countdown...


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